Author Archives: admin

Urgent Coronavirus Upate

by Glen Depke, Founder of Depke Wellness Updated on 03/08/2020 Worried about the Coronavirus? Many people are and understandably with the type of media attention this is receiving. Listen to this interview here to understand how the Coronavirus may affect you, and what you can do about this today. Statistics on the Coronavirus, who is […]

Why It Can Be So Difficult To Lose Weight

The Weight Gain/Inflammatory Hamster Wheel by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath and Founder of Depke Wellness Do you have a desire and a need to lose weight? Do you find it difficult to lose weight? Have you lost weight in the past, only to gain this back? Do you wondering how and why your best friend […]

Quick and Easy Pan Fried Salmon Recipe

Nutritional Information – one 4-ounce fillet of salmon (124g) Calories: 185. Fat: 5.5g. Sodium: 107mg. Carbohydrates: 0g. Fiber: 0g. Sugars: 0g. Protein: 31.7g. To assist with the ketogenic diet, you can add 1/2 of a medium sliced avocado to this this recipe. One half of a medium avocado is approximately 68 grams. Nutritional Information – […]

Nutrition and Hormones

Hormones and Nutrition I wanted to talk about a subject that’s very important to you, which is tied into hormones and nutrition. You see, I’ve heard something recently that in my opinion is ridiculous, is somebody shared that nutrition doesn’t impact to hormones, and literally that cannot be further from the truth. See, just from […]

Keto – Concerned With All The Fat?

More Info on the Prime Enzyme Support Here by Glen Depke, Founder of Depke Wellness Keto and Fat Breakdown So hello out there to all of my keto pros and even my keto newbies. Now this is a tip that’s good for really both of you because as you probably already recognize that a consumption […]

Old Worn Out Cells

by Glen Depke, Founder of Depke Wellness Old Worn Out Cells Recently, I had a client of mine mention something that maybe you think yourself, but what does client said is, “I just feel like my cells are old and worn out.” You know what? That’s actually very real. The question is what does that […]

Gained 6.8 Pounds in TWO Days!

Eating in Moderation? So, I love when I hear people say things like, “Well, it’s best to just eat everything in moderation.” Well, I did that not too long ago for literally just two days. I had a friend visit from out of town during those two days. I was kind of going along with […]

Chiropractors Are NOT Just For Back Pain

Special thank you to Dr. Bill Janeshak for shedding light on the holistic need for chiropractic care. Why should you seek out a quality chiropractor? Because I said so, doesn’t cut it anymore. In modern times people are far too intelligent to just listen to an authority figure and do what they say, especially when […]

How the earthquakes impact your health.

Hi everybody, it’s Glen Depke from Depke Wellness, and I want to talk about the earthquake. But hold that thought, because the earthquake that has just happened in Southern California just a few days ago, I want to use that as an analogy for your health now. You see, the earthquake, which was a 7.1, […]

Keto Coffee or Tea Recipe and Benefits

Learn About Keto Coffee or Tea Well, welcome to my kitchen this morning. Now whether you’re watching this in the morning, afternoon or evening, you’re going to learn here about Keto coffee. Now Keto coffee first off, it doesn’t always have to be coffee. I do prefer that you find something of the highest quality […]