Nutrition and Hormones

Hormones and Nutrition

I wanted to talk about a subject that’s very important to you, which is tied into hormones and nutrition.

You see, I’ve heard something recently that in my opinion is ridiculous, is somebody shared that nutrition doesn’t impact to hormones, and literally that cannot be further from the truth. See, just from the perspective of food sensitivity, if you have a sensitivity to let’s say gluten or wheat or cross-reactive food sensitivities, or really any other type of food sensitivity, that drives an inflammatory response in your body, which triggers the need for cortisol to convert into cortisone, which is your body’s natural anti-inflammatory. Yeah, so basically any food that has an inflammatory response in your body has a direct impact on hormones.

Sugar, Carbs and Food Sensitivity

Now on top of that, you also have to think about sugar. Sugar has a huge impact on hormones because very simply, when you eat higher amounts of sugar, it’s like a stimulant to the adrenals, which is then going to increase cortisol production, which is the same hormone that you produce more of when you’re under mental emotional stress or the physical stressors of inflammation or injury, which is then going to exasperate really what’s going on from an adrenal perspective.
Now, on top of that, insulin and cortisol have a very intimate connection together. So, when you’re doing something that’s going to drive up cortisol, it’s also going to have a negative impact on insulin and really create issues with you regulating your blood sugar properly thus creating a deeper hormonal issue from that perspective. Now, when this whole dynamic is going on, when you’re consuming too much sugar or poorly processed carbohydrates, or foods that you’re sensitive to, and this is driving that entire cortisol response and having this effect also on insulin, this ends up also negatively impacting other hormones such as your body’s own production of things like testosterone or estrogen hormones or progesterone.

Impact on You

So in essence, I just want you to understand that when you’re eating a high sugar or a diet that’s high in processed carbohydrates, which are flour-based products, or you’re consuming foods that drive inflammation in your body, all of those have a dramatic and a direct impact on your hormone production.

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