Tag Archives: hormones

How Hormones Impact Your Body

If you missed part I or II of this series, you can click on these below. Adrenal Fatigue Is NOT Real? If It’s NOT Adrenals, What Is It? How Hormones Impact Your Body Hi, it’s Glen Depke here again and I welcome you to the next step in understanding what’s really going on hormonally in […]

If It’s NOT Adrenals, What Is It?

If you missed Part I “Adrenal Fatigue is NOT Real?” click here. If It’s NOT Adrenals, What Is It? Welcome. Today, we get into part two, tied into what we were discussing first last week, that, typically, people, including yourself, do not have adrenal fatigue. Really it becomes something much deeper than this. Now, if […]

Why It Can Be So Difficult To Lose Weight

The Weight Gain/Inflammatory Hamster Wheel by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath and Founder of Depke Wellness Do you have a desire and a need to lose weight? Do you find it difficult to lose weight? Have you lost weight in the past, only to gain this back? Do you wondering how and why your best friend […]

Nutrition and Hormones

Hormones and Nutrition I wanted to talk about a subject that’s very important to you, which is tied into hormones and nutrition. You see, I’ve heard something recently that in my opinion is ridiculous, is somebody shared that nutrition doesn’t impact to hormones, and literally that cannot be further from the truth. See, just from […]

How the earthquakes impact your health.

Hi everybody, it’s Glen Depke from Depke Wellness, and I want to talk about the earthquake. But hold that thought, because the earthquake that has just happened in Southern California just a few days ago, I want to use that as an analogy for your health now. You see, the earthquake, which was a 7.1, […]

Is Adrenal Fatigue a Lie?

by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath It is for most of us… There is new cutting edge research that shows us that adrenal fatigue is not the issue for most people. Unfortunately this information will likely not become mainstream for about two decades and even your holistic practitioner may not catch this focus shift information soon […]

Stress Hormones Cause Food Sensitivity?


by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath Most people are under the impression that food sensitivity is a food issue. This may be news to you but most food sensitivity issues are not due to the food itself. Now I will share that Americanized wheat, which is deamidated, hybridized and full of aflatoxins, along with genetically modified […]

Answers to your Adrenal Questions


by Glen Depke We have been monitoring the questions that are coming back to us about adrenal function and the Adrenal Recovery System. We have compiled the common questions for you here to be answered for you. As you read through this and other questions come up for you, please feel free to respond to […]

Eat to balance your hormones?


by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath Let’s get right into it today. We have seen some book releases lately on how to eat to balance your hormones and I would like to you to take this information with “a grain of salt” as the saying goes. Don’t get me wrong, the food you eat does play […]

Get Back That Loving Feeling


by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath Last week I wrote and article “3 Reasons Why You May Have Lost that Loving Feeling” discussing the impact your hormones, neurotransmitters and cardiovascular system will play in your ability to experience intimacy with your significant other. If you missed that article, read this here. As promised, this week I […]