Tag Archives: cortisol

Nutrition and Hormones

Hormones and Nutrition I wanted to talk about a subject that’s very important to you, which is tied into hormones and nutrition. You see, I’ve heard something recently that in my opinion is ridiculous, is somebody shared that nutrition doesn’t impact to hormones, and literally that cannot be further from the truth. See, just from […]

Top 3 Factors for Your Health


by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath Today I am going to unveil three factors that have a huge impact on your health. First of is stress, but I am not talking about only mental/emotional stress. I am referring to any form of stress to your body. This would include: Of course mental/emotional stress Inflammatory stress Food […]

Stop Fat Shaming!

young woman doing crunches

by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath Last week, a so-called comedian and YouTube personality posted what most consider a mean spirited attack on overweight people. Nicole Arbour claimed it was meant to inspire people to lose weight, but really it is fat shaming. If you’re a reader of my blogs, you know that uncontrollable weight gain […]