Author Archives: admin

The Biggest Underlying Gut Issue For You

People That Do Not Have Gut Issues Don’t Understand What You’re Dealing With There’s so many issues that can drive your gut issue. Food sensitivity The standard American diet (SAD diet) Inflammation Brain issues Chronic stress Low stomach acid Eating cooked food without using a digestive enzyme Some medications What’s The Biggest Underlying Gut Issue? […]

Potential Risks of Distilled Water

A special thanks to Ronald Grisanti D.C., for allowing me to share this important information. While distilled water is the purest type of water, it’s not necessarily the healthiest. The distillation process is very effective at removing potentially harmful contaminants, but it also removes the natural minerals and electrolytes found in water. If you drink […]

Fatigued, Forgetful and Looking Older?

Get Your Liquid Vitamin B12 Methylcobalamin Here Now Use the coupon code b1225 for your 25% discount. by Glen Depke, Depke Wellness I know something that’s very important to you and that’s increasing your energy because think about it, who nowadays doesn’t want more energy. Now there’s a key ingredient to actually having optimal energy, […]

Is There An Answer For Your Pain?

I want to thank Dr. Ron Grisanti, DC from the Functional Medicine University for this empowering collection of thoughts. This may be invaluable to you on your health journey. This short message is valuable even if you are not a chiropractor. Hello.. For the past 37 years I can tell you with a high level […]

Common Weight Loss Lies

More Than Just Weight Loss by Glen Depke, Depke Wellness All right, so here you are. We’re nearing 2022. You’ve recently gone past Halloween, Thanksgiving and now Christmas and the holiday season. I know what the number one New Year’s resolution is, which is to lose weight, right? Think about it, with what you’ve gone […]

My Father’s Secret To Living 93 Years

Contact Me Also, If you have any comments or questions regarding this video please email me at You can also call our office direct at (800) 960-2755. *The products on this page have not been reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any […]