by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath I can confidently say that you have probably shared that you’ve “lost your mind” at some point in the past. But when you said this, did you really mean that you lost your mind? Heck, I have used this phrase loosely in the past but I never really felt this […]
Tag Archives: gut brain connection
by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath Really think about it, have you ever had a head injury on any level in the past? Perhaps you fell off your bicycle when you were younger? Maybe a fall from a swing set? Perhaps you played some aggressive sports when you were younger? Maybe you were in an car […]
by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath One of the biggest challenges for most of us over the holidays is actually attempting to keep the dreaded cold and/or flu at bay. Think about it, how many of you have gotten sick during the holiday seasons in the past? Most likely quite a few of you reading this […]
by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath What foods does your brain love? Understanding that nearly 60% of your brain is made up of fat, it would make sense of getting more of them as a primary source of fuel. This is not getting just any fat though… The artificial trans fats are some of the most […]
by Glen Depke You have heard me in the past discuss most aspects of healing but how do you put it all together. Well, there is one way to do this that I definitely do not recommend and that is doing it all at once. Your body, mind and spirit did not fall apart all […]
by Glen Depke So you think your brain is all in your head? Well, think again. Obviously it starts in your head but your brain extends into the brain stem, from there this leads to the vagus nerve which then extends throughout the gastrointestinal system. Yes that same nerve tissue that is within your brain […]