Tag Archives: anti inflammatory

Kale Chips

Kale chips

Kale Chips 10 oz chopped fresh kale 2 TBLS olive oil Spices to taste: oregano, basil, thyme, turmeric, onion powder and sea salt Directions: Preheat oven 200* In a large bowl or pot add dry chopped kale and drizzle olive oil and spices on top Mix well Pour contents of bowl onto a cookie sheet […]

Homemade Guacamole

Homemade Guacamole

Homemade Guacamole 3 medium ripe avocados 3 green onions (scallions) chopped 1 small lime squeezed Garlic powder or fresh garlic to taste Sea salt to taste Pepper to taste Cilantro (optional) Directions: Cut avocados in half, remove pit, scoop avocado into a bowl.  Cut onions, squeeze lime juice and add to the avocado.  Add garlic […]

Three Absolutes for Weight Loss


Today we will discuss three absolutes that are essential for healthy weight loss, defining this as reaching your weight loss goals and maintaining your new healthy weight long term. Let’s start of by understanding who this article is written for. If you have focused on weight loss in the past, you’ve lost the desired weight […]

The Adrenal, Immune, Inflammatory Trilogy


by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath Through the years of working with clients and assisting thousands regain their health and happiness, I see one consistent core challenge for a very high percentage of chronically health challenged individuals. This is tied into the trilogy of adrenal function, immune function and inflammation. To understand this, let’s first look […]