Tag Archives: thermography

Why You Want Thermography

Call Depke Wellness to Schedule Your Thermography Session Today (800)960-2755 by Lesli Remington Hi, my name’s Lesli Remington, and I own Thermal Body Scans Orange County. Thermography is a imaging tool that has been developed for some time and approved by the FDA in 1982 for clinical use. Thermography is a digital infrared camera that’s […]

Why I Don’t Like the Current Focus on Breast Cancer

By Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath My first issue with breast cancer is tied into what I hear it all the time… Breast cancer awareness Mammography Chemotherapy Radiation Mastectomy Maybe by reading this above, you get why I do not like the current focus on breast cancer. As a culture, we do not need a larger […]

Different View On Breast Cancer


by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath Instead of breast cancer awareness month I would love to have a breast cancer prevention month. Thinking about this further, I would actually like to think of breast cancer prevention every month, right? The challenge with breast cancer awareness is that most, if not all, of the money collected, is […]