Tag Archives: breast cancer

Why You Want Thermography

Call Depke Wellness to Schedule Your Thermography Session Today (800)960-2755 by Lesli Remington Hi, my name’s Lesli Remington, and I own Thermal Body Scans Orange County. Thermography is a imaging tool that has been developed for some time and approved by the FDA in 1982 for clinical use. Thermography is a digital infrared camera that’s […]

Common Chemicals and Breast Cancer Risk

You have likely heard the phrase that “ignorance is bliss.” The problem though is that ignorance can be very damaging to your body as recognized by these tow chemical challenges. Triclosan is an antibacterial and antifungal agent widely used in many different products, such as hand soap and sanitizer, plastic kitchen tools, cutting boards, high […]

Why I Don’t Like the Current Focus on Breast Cancer

By Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath My first issue with breast cancer is tied into what I hear it all the time… Breast cancer awareness Mammography Chemotherapy Radiation Mastectomy Maybe by reading this above, you get why I do not like the current focus on breast cancer. As a culture, we do not need a larger […]

Different View On Breast Cancer


by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath Instead of breast cancer awareness month I would love to have a breast cancer prevention month. Thinking about this further, I would actually like to think of breast cancer prevention every month, right? The challenge with breast cancer awareness is that most, if not all, of the money collected, is […]

Breast Cancer Awareness?


by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath I like to wait until later in Breast Cancer Awareness month to write about this. After all, we truly have quite a bit of awareness of breast cancer. Everywhere you turn you see pink nowadays and I am very supportive of this. Heck, when I watch the NFL football games […]