By Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath Today you will hear about pain in a way that is not typically discussed and you will see how this impacts your life. I had a client recently that was experiencing pain in the area of what was thought to be her gall gladder. This was a sharp pain that […]
Tag Archives: pain
by Glen A. Depke, Traditional Naturopath To get to the core of the recent release that our life expectancy has declined, let’s look at the difference between conventional medical care and traditional naturopathic care. I once had an intense conversation with a good friend of mine that is a conventional medical doctor about the horrific […]
by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath I have seen thousands of clients over the years that have been living with chronic aches and pains on a regular basis and you may be living with this yourself right now. Now some of these people are diagnosed with deeper challenges such as Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue or inflammatory disorders, […]
by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath I wanted to reach out to all of our followers so share something that happened to me recently that may be eye opening to you. Sometimes I feel so blessed to endure a challenge personally so I can share this with the masses and today’s share will blow you away. […]
by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath This is a powerful article that stands the test of time. You will thoroughly enjoy this journey! I did an experiment this holiday season that I thought you would enjoy called the holiday eating experiment and I just know that you will be shocked with the results. What I did […]
Enjoy this introductory video to address symptoms of weight gain and chronic pain. Register for this FREE webinar to understand the mechanics of weight gain and pain through nutrition and supplement protocols. This is a powerful webinar that uncovers some of the missing pieces of the puzzle addressing weight gain and pain. We look […]
by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath If you had, don’t think you are alone. I ask this question because personally I ate too much and drank too much throughout the holiday season. It’s so easy to get caught up in the excitement of the parties, friends, family and all the fun. Before we know it we […]
by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath I hear about aching joints all the time and from varying degrees. This could be as mild as slight ache upon waking in the morning or standing up from your desk after sitting for a few hours, all the way to the extreme of chronic excruciating pain on a daily basis. […]
by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath I really love to use my own real life situations to make a point and I have a perfect one today. Two weeks ago my wife and I purchased a new home. We had a move in date of August 1st which meant we had 11 days to complete a […]
by Glen Depke Well, maybe not good news for me, but potentially for you…? Recently, I was diagnosed with severe degeneration in my medial right knee and moderated degeneration in the rest of my knee. Now, this was not a complete surprise since I hurt my knee about 31 years ago. You know, the old […]