Tag Archives: hyperthyroid

[More] What YOUR is body telling you?


by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath Last week’s article “What is YOUR body telling you?” created quite a stir among many of our readers. As mentioned last week you are likely already “sick and tired” of the conventional medical concept of symptom treatment. After all, waiting for a diagnosed dis-ease state and taking prescription drugs is […]

Your Hypothyroidism May Actually Be Adrenal Insufficiency

thyroid disorders

Millions of people in the United States take levothyroxine, a synthetic form of T4, the inactive thyroid hormone. In fact, levothyroxine is the #4 most prescribed medication in the U.S. The liver, gut, and other tissues into a form that the body’s cells can use must convert T4 into a usable, or “active,” form. This […]