Category Archives: Uncategorized

This Tiny Molecule “Eats Fat Cells” and Torches Calories Like Crazy…


This just came across my desk so I wanted to get it to you immediately: Weight loss researchers recently stumbled on a major breakthrough… … they’re calling it “the biggest discovery since the calorie”, because: It pops open “diet-resistant” fat cells and sucks out the fat locked inside… Floods your body with sustained energy, while […]

This Forgotten Hormone “Cracks Open” Resistant Fat Cells…

Forgotten Hormone

For years we’ve been told the KEY to unlocking fat loss was to control insulin. The premise was simple (or so we thought): Don’t eat ANY type of sugar (or carbs that can turn into sugar)… …unless you combine it with protein and fibrous veggies. Want a cup or two of white rice? Fine. Just […]

Eat These 3 Ingredients at 7:45 to Burn Fat All Day Long (recipe inside)…


Here’s something not even my mother knows: I treat myself to “dessert” at 7:45 a.m every morning. Why the heck would I do THAT? Doesn’t that kill metabolism and pack on the fat? Nope… because this is no ordinary dessert (see recipe below), it: Turns ON the “burn fat” signal in all my cells… Turns […]

Do you hate to stretch too?


by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath Now I understand the benefit of stretching and love when I am working with a trainer and they are actually doing the work of stretching my soft tissue but the thought of doing this myself is followed by almost zero motivation. Let’s face it, I hate to stretch! As mentioned […]

This Stimulates A Whole-Body Calorie Burn (it’s not exercise)…


The human metabolism can be a remarkable calorie-burning machine. Up until now, most haven’t really understood how it works… … or how to FULLY harness its incredible calorie-burning potential. But a little-known study in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care has shed some light: Turns out just a tiny part of your metabolism holds the key […]

The Dr. Jekyll anb Mr. Hyde of Adrenal Function

Monster-Bad day at the office

by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath In the spirit of Halloween… The truly scary tale of the Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde of adrenal function! Before we move on to the adrenal version, let me first summarize the Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde story from years ago. “The dual title character is a doctor who has […]

The #1 “bodyfat-eating” hormone…

Body Fat Eating Hormone

I apologize for the dark nature of today’s blog post. However I promise what you’ll discover today will be completely worth it. Imagine a rotting corpse draped over your body from head to toe… …suffocating tissue, restricting blood flow, damaging joints and infecting your healthy cells. Shockingly, that nightmare is a reality for most: 64% […]

Foods That Suffocate Fat Cells & Burn Calories Like Crazy…

Foods That Suffocate Fat

The year was 1957. And a group of scientists was performing experiments on aging rodents. These weren’t normal rodents though – their pituitary glands had been removed. The scientists were trying to pinpoint a mysterious compound… …one responsible for rejuvenating their bodies and keeping them lean. After rounds of testing, they found what they were […]

8 Unhealthy Health Foods

Unhealthy Health Foods

by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath We all have our own ideas on what a healthy food choice is today, but somewhere in the near future, we may be chastising that very food as so unhealthy. It is actually quite interesting to look at the evolution of how food is being touted as healthy or unhealthy. […]