More Than Just Weight Loss Protocols

I am so excited to welcome you to join me in a 6 week program that will provide weight loss and so much more! 

This second introductory webinar will address the technical aspect of the program to deeply understand the efficiency of this life altering program.

If you missed the first webinar, click here for the replay.

Last year in March, we did this program with a group of individuals across the United States and here are the documented results.

  • Average weight loss of 11.5 pounds *
  • Average loss of inches in the waistline of 2.64 inches *
  • Symptom shift from 45 severe symptoms to 13 *
  • See testimonials at the bottom of the page

While it is awesome to lose weight and inches, the most significant shift in my mind was in the symptoms. When you can cut severe symptom challenges by over 70%, this is simply life altering!

The good news is, I am offering this program again to not only my current clients but also to followers of Depke Wellness and their friends and loved ones

Even better news, I am not charging anything for the weekly guidance during this program. All you would have to commit to is the cost of your supplements. 

All the benefits and more as listed above, with my time and guidance gifted to you!

I do not want you to commit to this until you have all the necessary information, so I am facilitating a webinar to fill you in. It is very important to have committed individuals in this program, so clarity is a key. 

Have a plan!

Register below for the complimentary webinar introduction to “More Than Just Weight Loss Protocols.” 

This truly can change your life!

Read testimonials below….

Glen Depke’s program “More Than Just Weight Loss” has been a big turning point for me. It allowed me to finally get a sense of control over my health. In the program, I learned about the gut-brain connection, the absolute importance of having a nutritionally sound diet and what makes a diet nutritionally sound. Virtually all of my “less than healthy conditions” that I identified at the beginning of the program, simply disappeared or greatly diminished. The group dynamics really helped as well as the webinars and blog site. I’ve been able to carry forward most of the healthy practices since the program ended. I highly recommend this program to anyone who is interested in excellent health and living life to the fullest.
Katherine S

I was one of the fortunate ones that got to participate in Glen Depke’s “More Than Just Weight Loss” program in March of 2012. Glen had previously done the program and had reported amazing results! I was excited when he decided to do the program again and invite those of us who were interested. Years of self- medicating my adrenal fatigue with sugar and caffeine were going to be a challenge to break away from. At this point…I really felt my life depended on it.
The diet restrictions involved in the program are do-able!!  The supplements become a routine. The first few days I did experience some mild withdrawal symptoms from the caffeine. But, after that I felt great!!
My favorite part of the program was the 24/7 blog we had access to. Here we could share our triumphs and mishaps.  Ask any questions we may have.  Share recipe ideas. I’m such a creature of habit it was nice to read about others more adventurous in trying new things. If I needed encouragement someone was always there to offer a word of advice.  If someone else was struggling, I could provide support. We could offer motivation to those who needed it and share, together, as we all made amazing progress throughout the program. Glen was ever present with his knowledge, advice, insight, positive attitude and guidance. The weekly information webinars were educational and helped to keep us focused and motivated throughout the program.
By the end of the 6 weeks I couldn’t believe the changes that I had experienced! I lost 12 lbs! My acid reflux was gone! I was able to wean off all hormone supplements and sleep aides! With the improvement of my sleep…my energy level increased. And most important to me, the joint and back pain I had been experiencing was gone!!
Would I recommend this program…HECK YES!!! No matter where you are with your health and weight…you will benefit. The ‘More Than Just Weight Loss” program was definitely much more than I had hoped it could be!!!  Thank-you Glen for putting this wonderful program together for us!

During this 6 week program I lost 16.9 pounds and reduced my waist by 3 inches. The completely unexpected benefit was the elimination of 30 years of knee pain. I now understand directly how inflammation creates pain and that I truly have to ability to control the inflammation. Basically I feel amazing on this program. Glen D (Yes, this is me. I did the program with everyone last time and will be doing it again with the group)

*Individual results may vary. Some had high levels of success while others had lessor success. 

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