by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath
It is hard to believe but the 2014 six week
“More Than Just Weight Loss” program is now complete. While we wait for the results of the completion assessments to come back, I have some results to share with you.
Here are the results of one of the participants to share with you and when the overall results
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are in, I will of course share these with you.
The person I will share with you today
lost 10.5 pounds in body weight and 5 inches in their stomach. Yes, this was in 6 weeks. Not only was this in 6 weeks but there was
no restriction on calories or how much food you can eat. Not only was the weight loss and inches lost a positive but the
symptom improvement of 80% for this person is also such a significant factor.
For those that are not familiar with the “More Than Just Weight Loss” program, this is a program that covers all of the areas listed below.
- Anti-inflammatory
- Establishing a healthy gut/brain connection
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- Anti-parasitic, yeast and fungal
- Gut rebuilding
- Immune boosting
- Liver detoxification
During this entire program you have a focus on reducing inflammation and boosting your immune system function. Added to this in the first week, you will assist in reestablishing the gut/brain connection. In weeks two and three you are also working on the anti-parasitic, anti-yeast and anti-fungal program while also reestablishing the gut lining. Finally in weeks three thru the end you are also focused on improving phase I and phase II liver detoxification. And remember as mentioned earlier in this paragraph, you are working on an anti-inflammatory and immune boosting protocol thru the entire program.
So what does this look like? Well, just take a look at the pictures and you can see for yourself. You may even wonder to yourself, was this person also working out like a fiend through the 6 weeks? Actually they shared that their exercise had actually dropped during this time, so these results are actually with less physical activity.
All of the protocols listed above are tied into supplemental programs but there is also a very important nutritional component to this program. As mentioned earlier, there are zero caloric and food quantity restrictions on the program but you are eliminated all of the highest potentially inflammatory foods during this time. You can not only eat as much as you want but you are instructed to not allow yourself to get overly hungry during this program.
The interesting factor for so many in the program is the experience of new food choices and recognizing how poorly you may react to food choices that you had made with consistency in the past. I actually talked to one of the program participants that shared that almonds are a very high reactive food, yet prior to the program, she ate them all the time and potentially in excess. So many of us are doing this on a regular basis and simply not understanding to inflammation, gut/brain issues, immune challenges and so much more that this is causing.
This program often creates some deep incites for its users that have the potential to last a lifetime. This is due to the fact that you create an awareness of what the food you eat is actually doing to you.
This years program was also a bonus because of the weekly blogs. If you want to review what was discussed during this time, feel free to type “2014 More Than Just Weight Loss” into the search box on this blog and you will have weeks 1 thru 6 come up as well as the completion blog. You’ll see what we were eating through this time, some of our successes as well as some of the challenges that will also come up for some. I can also share that the blog for this is not only one of my favorite parts of this program but it is also invaluable to many of the program participants.
I also feel that it is important to share that results do vary from person to person. Many will have results greater than the subject today, but many will also have results that are not as high as today’s example. But in the end, we always learn more about ourselves and we can move forward with this information in an empowering way. Just the other day I spoke with a program participant and we were discussing an actual lack of weight loss. This was relatively easy to pinpoint a heavy metal toxicity that was hindering the weight loss, which in turn provides this person with some very important next steps to be taken. Some people in the program found out that they have some very deep and chronic gut issues that will need further repair. Others realized that they likely have some serious adrenal challenges this need to be assessed, while others are now questioning their blood/brain barrier integrity. But you see, when we feel that we do not find success, yet you deepen your awareness of what is truly going on, this is still success and often success at the highest level.
These are all the reasons I am always so excited to offer this program every year. This year, I am going to leave the program open all year. The blogs will be ongoing for each week and the recorded webinars will always be available for new participants. This is simply too good to only let out only once per year.
After all, it’s almost swim suit weather!
Anyway, shouldn’t we all have the opportunity for “More Than Just Weight Loss”?
Recognize that this is so much more than just weight loss though. If you are challenged with any of these health conditions below, this program is essential for you.
- Conditions tied into chronic inflammation
- acid reflux/heartburn
- acne
- allergies/sensitivities
- Alzheimer’s disease
- asthma
- atherosclerosis
- autoimmunity
- bronchitis
- cancer
- celiac disease
- chronic pain
- Crohn’s disease
- cirrhosis
- colitis
- dementia
- dermatitis
- diabetes
- dry eyes
- edema
- emphysema
- eczema
- fibromyalgia
- gastroenteritis
- gingivitis
- heart disease
- hepatitis
- high blood pressure
- insulin resistance
- interstitial cystitis
- obesity
- joint pain/ arthritis/ rheumatoid arthritis
- metabolic syndrome (syndrome X)
- myositis
- nephritis
- osteopenia
- osteoporosis
- pain
- Parkinson’s disease
- periodontal disease
- polychondritis
- psoriasis
- scleroderma
- sinusitis
- Sjögren’s syndrome
- spastic colon
- systemic candidiasis
- tendonitis
- UTI’s
- vaginitis
If you want to learn more about the “More Than Just Weight Loss” program and the benefits this program this may provide for you,
follow this link.
Once all the final completion assessments come in, I will post the results in the 2014 More Than Just Weight Loss – Completion blog. I cannot wait to share the average results as well as our most astounding results with you.