Tag Archives: glen depke

Everything in Moderation?


by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath This is a powerful article that stands the test of time. You will thoroughly enjoy this journey! I did an experiment this holiday season that I thought you would enjoy called the holiday eating experiment and I just know that you will be shocked with the results. What I did […]

Mechanics of Weight Gain and Pain

Enjoy this introductory video to address symptoms of weight gain and chronic pain.   Register for this FREE webinar to understand the mechanics of weight gain and pain through nutrition and supplement protocols. This is a powerful webinar that uncovers some of the missing pieces of the puzzle addressing weight gain and pain. We look […]

Who else ate or drank too much?


by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath If you had, don’t think you are alone. I ask this question because personally I ate too much and drank too much throughout the holiday season. It’s so easy to get caught up in the excitement of the parties, friends, family and all the fun. Before we know it we […]

Holiday Survival Tips


by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath What you may not be thinking about right now is how often you find yourself fatigued, stress out and dealing with weight gain during the holidays. With all the levels of stress the holidays can bring, is this a surprise to most of us? This is the year you do […]

Thyroid, Inflammation and Weight Gain


by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath Weight gain is the biggest challenge facing our culture today and there is an infinite amount of information out there on this subject. So why do we understand the problem, have virtually unlimited information to review, yet this still remains such an issue? This is most often because we are […]

Inflammation and Weight Loss

Enjoy this video introduction on how inflammation leads to an increase in fat cell production and eventual weight gain. This is the unfortunate cycle that so many are unknowingly challenged with. Don’t suffer with weight gain any longer! Some of you may not have a weight issue but suffer with pain, blood sugar instability, liver […]

Overcome the Thanksgiving Hangover


by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath Thanksgiving is often a very enjoyable time of the year. Good friends, family, good food, some holiday spirits and some yummy pies (hopefully gluten free as we enjoyed at our home.) Very often there are parties on Friday for many families but there’s so much more. The Black Friday shopping, […]

The Thanksgiving Snooze, it’s NOT the Turkey


by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath I know, we hear it all the time, it’s the tryptophan in the turkey that has you looking for a nap on the couch after your Thanksgiving meal. When we look at how we most often assume truth, we are told something, we experience this as explained, so it must […]

Crank Up Your Immune System!

Family having flu

by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath Yes, cold and flu season is just around the corner and this is the beginning of a two part series on boosting your immune system. Today’s focus will provide some lifestyle and supplemental tips you can use to keep your immune system function high and do your best to keep […]

Uggg…Another Cold & Flu Season


by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath Yes, you heard it right, another cold and flu season is upon us. Did you get sick last year? Did your cold and flu take you down for some time? Was it painfully agonizing to simply make it through those days? Perhaps is was tough to sleep because you were […]