Tag Archives: depke wellness

This Happened to ME!


by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath I wanted to reach out to all of our followers so share something that happened to me recently that may be eye opening to you. Sometimes I feel so blessed to endure a challenge personally so I can share this with the masses and today’s share will blow you away. […]

Have you ever had a head injury?


by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath Really think about it, have you ever had a head injury on any level in the past? Perhaps you fell off your bicycle when you were younger? Maybe a fall from a swing set? Perhaps you played some aggressive sports when you were younger? Maybe you were in an car […]

Are you taking care of your eyes?


by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath Are you taking care of your eyes? Most people do not think about their eyesight until there are problems. Perhaps this is a problem with vision such as issues reading small print or signs at a distance? Maybe this is a visit to your doctor complaining about floaters or blurred […]

Red Meat is BAD for your Heart?


by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath We all know that eating red meat is bad for you heart right? Red meat itself is not bad for you or your heart but this depends on the quality of the meat. Red meat is actually one of the most nutritious foods you can eat. It is loaded with […]

Inflammation is Taking Your Heart Down

Stethoscope and heart

by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath Let’s start by shouting out what should simply be obvious to all of us, INFLAMMATION IS TAKING YOUR HEART DOWN! Most will agree that the three biggest factors in heart disease are chronic stress, poor nutritional choices and inflammation. Here’s the kicker though, chronic stress and poor dietary habits, such […]

Heavy Metals Weigh Heavy on Your Heart


By Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath With February being national Heart Health month, I wanted to address an aspect of heart health that is often misunderstood or completely ignored. Everyone is exposed to heavy metals every day. Everywhere you turn, you will see a source of heavy metals: from air pollutants to drinking water to vegetables […]

Update on the Holiday Eating Experiment


by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath I am sure that most of you read the article in early January called “The Holiday Eating Experiment.” It was a very popular article and I received a incredible response from our readers. If you happened to miss that article, you can review it here. For those that read this […]

Sugar and Your Thyroid


By Lynda Buitrago Saturated fat is still being blamed as a cause of many health problems, but the real culprit is the large amount of sugar and processed carbohydrates in the Standard American Diet (SAD). Sugar and Its Effect on the Adrenal Glands You may have issues with blood sugar balance, such as hypoglycemia or […]

Do you know someone that smokes?


by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath An interesting fact is that in the 7 years that I have produced a weekly newsletter, I have never addressed smoking. Honestly, I never had because I always felt that followers of Depke Wellness are not likely to be smokers, but that may or may not be true. But if […]