Category Archives: Menopause

More Energy, Weight Loss & Adrenal Function


Two significant factors that are simply “in your face” on a more consistent basis is fatigue and weight gain. What most are not thinking about is that these feed on each other and also have a common denominator, which is adrenal function. For your body to feel satisfied nutritionally, it truly needs to feel satisfied […]

Weight Loss Management


Slender ALL, Pro-Metabolic and Myomin for Weight Loss The brain plays a critical role in weight control. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that stimulates a happy feeling. When people eat, serotonin is produced and the subtle happy feeling experienced can be addictive. People who are overweight are subconsciously addicted to this feeling. When there is a […]

Three Absolutes for Weight Loss


Today we will discuss three absolutes that are essential for healthy weight loss, defining this as reaching your weight loss goals and maintaining your new healthy weight long term. Let’s start of by understanding who this article is written for. If you have focused on weight loss in the past, you’ve lost the desired weight […]

The Thyroid-Adrenal-Weight Loss Connection


by Lynda Buitrago You’ve been gaining weight even though you ate well and exercised regularly all last year. You even tried eating fewer calories and increasing your exercise, but nothing’s been working! “Why?” you wonder. You’re feeling desperate, so you’re considering cutting your calories even more, or to train for a marathon this year to […]

The Adrenal, Immune, Inflammatory Trilogy


by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath Through the years of working with clients and assisting thousands regain their health and happiness, I see one consistent core challenge for a very high percentage of chronically health challenged individuals. This is tied into the trilogy of adrenal function, immune function and inflammation. To understand this, let’s first look […]

Is Sleep Eluding You?


By Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath So many clients enter into Depke Wellness with poor sleep habits to to point that I would share that these numbers are staggering. Proper sleep is one of your fundamentals of health that is essential, unfortunately our culture often views sleep as a luxury and not an essential component to […]

Your Hypothyroidism May Actually Be Adrenal Insufficiency

thyroid disorders

Millions of people in the United States take levothyroxine, a synthetic form of T4, the inactive thyroid hormone. In fact, levothyroxine is the #4 most prescribed medication in the U.S. The liver, gut, and other tissues into a form that the body’s cells can use must convert T4 into a usable, or “active,” form. This […]

Why are your hormones crazy?


by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath As you are most likely already aware of, hormone balance is a significant focus of Depke Wellness. We have reviewed over 4,500 adrenal test kits in our history and out of these 4,500 health challenged individuals, we have seen only 5 tests return with normal adrenal function. Yes I said […]

Addison’s Disease, Adrenals & Autoimmunity


by Glen Depke, Traditional Naturopath Addison’s disease is an autoimmune, inflammatory condition of the adrenal glands, resulting in the gradual destruction and inability to make sufficient amounts of adrenal hormones.  The most common symptoms of Addison’s disease: weight loss muscle weakness fatigue loss of appetite low blood pressure darkening of the skin in many cases, […]